Green Infrastructure Alliance
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Green Infrastructure Alliance

The Green Infrastructure Alliance (GIA) is a multi-disciplinary grass-roots organization.  Its founding members represent nursery and landscape industries, landscape architects, municipal and county planners, municipal foresters and arborists, utility companies, and academia. 


The Green Infrastructure Alliance seeks to unify green-industry and municipal professionals in the effort to develop functional environments that contribute to healthy, livable communities.


GIA wants to advance the adoption of research-based, green infrastructure policies and technologies across multiple green-industry and municipal disciplines.Goals

In pursuit of the above mission and vision statements, GIA pursues three goals:

  • Work collaboratively to publicize the benefits of green infrastructure.
  • Collect research-based information regarding plant production, plant selection and bidding practices, sustainable design, proper installation and after-care, and long-term maintenance practices that promote long-lived, healthy ecosystems; and,
  • Share knowledge and encourage the use of emerging green infrastructure policies and technologies among green industry and government professionals.

Installing Successful Landscape Plans: Avoiding Conflict

Best Green Infrastructure Practices for Urban Landscapes: Site Plan Review

Want to learn more?

Contact Dr. Barbara Fair for more information about the purpose and work of GIA.  Dr. Fair is an Extension Horticulture Specialist and Associate Professor at North Carolina State University.

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