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2020 Southeast Trees & the Law Symposium

Feb 13, 2020

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Registration for this workshop is now CLOSED.  Please contact Leslie Moorman at ncufc1@gmail.com or 252.653.6277 with any questions.

Navigating the Complexities of Neighborhood Tree Law

No single topic cuts through the heart of the various disciplines in arboriculture as trees and the law.  Regardless of what we do in arboriculture; regardless of our area of expertise, trees and the law can and do negatively affect us all on a daily basis. For the first time anywhere, North Carolina State University and the NC Urban Forest Council present the Southeast Trees & the Law Symposium.

This day long intensely focused symposium will help attendees avoid being part of the lawyer’s food chain.  Arborists, and more recently, landscape architects, face the ever-increasing challenges of litigation and becoming a part of the dreadful process that negatively affects them and their families. The lessons learned and education presented are derived from the knowledge gained after 1000 litigated cases involving trees.  Topics will include neighbor law, wrongful death, personal injury, and attorney interpretations of the ANSI A300 series.  Attendees will be presented with actual case law, and the resultant outcomes of that case law, as it relates to their daily activities in arboriculture. Whether you are a government arborist, employee of a tree care service, or owner of an ancillary service in our professional community, learn from the mistakes of others so that the past is not repeated for you, your company, and your family.

Presenters include Joe Samnik, Consulting Forensic Arborist; Skip Kincaid, Arborist and Executive Director of ISA Southern Chapter; and Hunt Choi, Deputy City Attorney with City of Raleigh.

A special Thank You to our exhibitors for this event: 

Rainbow Tree Care Scientific

Bartlett Tree Experts

Registration Fees

(Municipal employees and members of other state urban forest councils will receive a dicounted registration rate.  You must email Leslie Moorman at ncufc1@gmail.com to receive the discount.)

State Council Members, Municipal & State Employees: $170.00

Non-Members: $200.00

Education Credits



NC Landscape Contractors- 2B credits

CTSP- 2.5 CEUs

Hotel Information

Holiday Inn Express & Suites

3741 Thistledown Drive

Raleigh, NC 27606

(919) 854-0001

Aloft Raleigh

2100 Hillsborough Street

Raleigh, NC 27607

(919) 828-9900

Double Tree by Hilton – Brownstone Hotel

1707 Hillsborough Street

Raleigh, NC 27605

(919) 828-0811 

McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC


Non-Member Early Fee Amount: $200.00
Non-Member Late Fee Amount: $200.00
Member Early Fee Amount: $170.00
Member Late Fee Amount: $170.00

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