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Carolina Canopy Webinar #8: The Native Plant Paradox: The Costs and Benefits of Using Native Trees in Urban Landscapes

Jul 21, 2020

9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Eastern

We are excited to announce our Carolina Canopy Webinar Series, providing you with new opportunities to learn about urban tree management practices and allowing you to stay involved with the industry through remote learning opportunities. 

The Native Plant Paradox: The Costs and Benefits of Using Native Trees in Urban Landscapes

Speaker: Dr. Steve Frank, NC State Univ.               

The right plant in the right place is a basic tenant of IPM and sustainable urban landscapes. Many people assume natives are the "right plants" for all places. Our research shows that native trees can support more pests than exotic trees a problem that gets worse at the most urban sites. Many exotic trees also support as much insect biodiversity as natives. Thus, exotic trees may be the "right plants" for highly urban pest prone places.

A webinar link will be emailed to registrants the day before the workshop.

Education credits have been applied for:    

ISA: 1.25 CEUs

SAF: 1 credit

NC Landscape Contractor: 1 L credit


Online workshop


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