NC Community Tree Webinar: Volunteer Tree Stewardship: A Partnership Tree Keeper Program
Jul 22, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Our communities are asking for more street trees. In some places, nonprofit organizations and volunteers supplement the work of municipalities, increasing the capacity to rebuild and protect urban canopies.
In this webinar, learn how two nonprofits have collaborated with the Durham City and County to develop a base of trained volunteer Tree Keepers. These volunteers help plant and maintain Durham's city trees.
We will discuss volunteer training needs and responsibilities and program management, plus tips for starting a similar program in your community.
Confirmed Presenter:
Tania Dautlick, Keep Durham Beautiful ~ Executive Director (
Marcy Lowe, TreesDurham ~ Board Chair
Approved Education Credits:
1 credit SAF
CEU Application Pending:
online webinar