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NC Community Tree Webinar: Dual Perspectives of Volunteer Tree Nursery Establishment

Mar 21, 2023

3:00 to 4:00 p.m. (EST)



Eric Bradford, Asheville Green Works, Director of Operations


Megan Higgins Palomo, Tree Pittsburgh Heritage Nursery, Director


So you want to give away trees?!

Eric and Megan will explain how they developed and currently manage their respective volunteer tree nursery programs. 
This presentation is ideal for tree advocacy groups, municipalities, urban planners and anyone else interested in building a network of volunteers that can seed, grow and transplant native trees within their community.
Approved CEU Credits:

International Society of Arboriculture:  1

CEU Credits Pending Approval:

Society of American Foresters:  1

NC Board of Landscape Architects:  1


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