\ Partners and Supporters
Partners and Supporters
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Partners and Supporters

Annual Partners

Our Annual Partners make it possible for us to deliver educational programming, develop templates and resources, and provide leadership in urban areas across the state. We thank each of them for helping us sustain North Carolina’s green legacy. With their continued support, NCUFC can partner more easily with individuals, organizations, and communities to boost public awareness about the importance of improving and maintaining North Carolina’s community forests.

NCUFC Oak Tree Annual Partners

These partners are major supporters of all of our educational programming and initiatives. Their support helps us develop new outreach materials to better educate the tree care industry and NC homeowners, while also supporting our statewide educational programs. Their support helps sustain our Legacy Tree Fund program, keeping our communities green.

NCUFC Elm Tree Annual Partners
NCUFC Maple Tree Annual Partners

Wish to become an annual partner?

There are three levels at which organizations can become an annual partner of the North Carolina Urban Forest Council: Maple Tree, Elm Tree, and Oak Tree.

Partners at each level receive exhibit space at the Annual Great NC Tree Conference as well as identification as a Council sponsor (logo included) on the following materials and publications:

  • Monthly newsletter (link provided to your own website)
  • All education event announcements and programs (i.e., Carolina Canopy Workshops, NC Community Tree Webinars, and Conference)
  • All public relations materials (e.g., membership recruitment)
  • Partnership page of the NCUFC website; link provided to your own website

Below are additional benefits unique to each partnership level.

Oak Tree: $5,000 a year

These partners are major supporters of all of our educational programming and initiatives. Their support helps us develop new outreach materials to better educate the tree care industry and NC homeowners, while also supporting our statewide educational programs. Their support helps sustain our Legacy Tree Fund program, keeping our communities green.
Oak Tree Partners receive these additional benefits:

  • Platinum Leaf Membership for one year; covers membership fees for 10 individuals within your organization ($450 value)
  • Three gift Bronze Leaf memberships to share within anyone outside of your organization (e.g., client, network associate or tree board member) ($150 value)
  • Space for a 1⁄2-page advertisement in the annual conference program
  • Registration for 3 attendees of the annual conference
  • Listing on partner banner (hot-linked logo included) for every NCUFC website page

Elm Tree: $3,000 a year

These partners support our ongoing education programs and initiatives, helping to keep the tree care industry and partners up-to-date on tree-care practices. Their support helps us develop new partnerships and initiatives to promote the benefits of trees to NC citizens.

  • Gold Leaf Membership for one year; covers membership fees for 5 individuals within your organization ($210 value)
  • Two gift Bronze Leaf memberships to share within anyone outside of your organization (e.g., client, network associate or tree board member) ($100 value)
  • Space for a 1⁄2-page advertisement in the annual conference program
  • Registration for 2 attendees of the annual conference

Maple Tree: $2,000 a year

These partners support our ongoing education programs and initiatives, helping to keep the tree care industry and partners up-to-date on tree-care practices. Their support allows us to keep our education and outreach efforts statewide.

  • Silver Leaf Membership for one year; covers membership fees for 3 individuals within your organization ($140 value)
  • One gift Bronze Leaf membership to share within anyone outside of your organization (e.g., client, network associate or tree board member) ($50 value)
  • Space for a 1⁄4-page advertisement in the annual conference program
  • Registration for 1 attendee of the annual conference

Have additional questions? Contact our Executive Director, Leslie Moorman. Ready to become an annual partner? Click the button below to join online. If you prefer paying by post mail, contact Leslie so she can send you an invoice.


Event Partners

If your organization cannot support the North Carolina Urban Forest Council as an Annual Partner, here are additional ways to support NCUFC Programs.

Annual Conference

Our Annual Conference sponsors help cover travel costs for our visiting speakers. Such speakers educate conference attendees about recent research results as well as up-to-date tree-care standards/practice from around the country.

There are three ways in which your organization can support the Annual Great NC Tree Conference: Annual Conference Sponsor, Annual Conference Supporter, and Annual Conference Exhibitor. Click here to download the official Sponsor / Exhibitor packet.

Conference Awards Luncheon Sponsor ($4,000) – one opportunity

  • Registration for two attendees
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • ½ page ad in Conference Program
  • Recognition in the Conference Registration Brochure and on the Conference webpage
  • Recognition via table tents during the luncheon ceremony

Conference Break Sponsor ($2,000) – two opportunities

  • Registration for two attendees
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • ¼ page ad in Conference Program
  • Recognition in the Conference Registration Brochure and on the Conference webpage
  • Recognition via signs at your assigned break

Field Tour Sponsor ($1,500) – two opportunities

  • Registration for two attendees
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • ¼ page ad in Conference Program
  • Recognition in the Conference Registration Brochure and on the Conference webpage

Conference Supporter ($1,000)

  • Registration for one attendee
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • Recognition in the Conference Program and on the Conference webpage

Commercial Exhibitor ($450)

  • Registration for one attendee
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • Logo in the Conference Program

Non-profit Exhibitor ($250)

  • Registration for one attendee
  • Exhibit space at the Conference
  • Logo in the Conference Program

Ready to sign up? Click the button below to submit a request online. If submitting payment by post mail, use the request form included in the Sponsor / Exhibitor packet.

Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration

Carolina Canopy Workshops

Sponsors of our annual Carolina Canopy Workshop series lets us deliver quality educational programming statewide so that the tree-care industry is informed of the latest developments in proper tree care practices. Every year we offer up to 6 Carolina Canopy workshops across the state. Click the button below to become a workshop sponsor today!

Annual Carolina Canopy Workshop Series ($500)

  • Recognition, with logo, on all Carolina Canopy materials and announcements as sponsor of the Carolina Canopy Workshop Series
  • Logo, with link, on Carolina Canopy Series webpage
  • One workshop registration to each of the Carolina Canopy workshops

Workshop Sponsor

Our Partners: