The Mission of the North Carolina Urban Forest Council is to advocate the sustainable use of North Carolina's urban and community forests at the economic, social, and environmental levels. In pursuit of this mission we administer varous projects and initiatives, either on our own or in partnership with others.
Below is a list of projects and initiatives that NCUFC and its partners use to inform North Carolina citizens about urban and community forest issues. We take pride in our ability to facilitate an exchange of information among homeonwers, municipal leaders, government agencies, businesses, and the tree care industry. Through our education and outreach efforts, all participants learn how they can grow and protect trees where we live, work, and play.
Every year NCUFC awards a few North Carolina communities with financial assistance for their tree planting and maintance projects. Community engagement is a must. Want to make a donation or apply for assistance? Click here for more information. |
Once under the leadership of North Carolina Forest Service, the Council now administers this prorgam. Each year we recognize an individual, organization, and community that goes the extra mile to creae and maintain healthy urban forests. View our 2022 recipients!

Municipal arborists, tree care professionals, woodworkers, state agencies, researchers, and others have united to salvage high quality urban wood. The North Carolina Urban Wood Group wants to felledurban trees into sustainable, marketable products. Read more here. |
Do you want a career that lets you play among trees, embrace your love of forest resources, and help residents protect the trees they value? Look no further! Visit our career in arboriculture page and learn how money can grow on trees. |
For six years NCUFC held quarterly Tree Board Webinars to help tree advocates put their goals into action. Click here to view the 25 web-based seminars. Whether you are a tree board member needing new ideas or a tree aficionado wanting to learn for fun, our Tree Board Webinar Series has you covered. |
One key element of urban and community forestry is protecting residents from tree debris during storms. NCUFC worked with tree care experts to create publications about storm readiness, response, and recovery for homeowners, municipal officials, and tree care professionals. Access the publications here. |
The NC Community Tree Advocacy Network consists of ten organizations committed to community tree conservation. Through regular communications, the members share ideas and experiences and create a stronger voice for urban and community tree protection across the state. Click here to learn more. |
The Green Infrastructure Alliance is a multi-disciplinary, grassroots organization dedicated to wholistic community development. Learn how it seeks to create economically viable and reslient communities across North Carolina. |